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For a moment, visualize your website without the words, the images, the videos, the audio, the embed apps or even the raw data! How does it look and feel now? Empty, inanimate , useless, and worthless! Well, that sums up the value of web content. That said, you cannot fill up your website with just anything. The content you place and distribute over the World Wide Web, ought to have a purpose, which may be brand building, boosting online sales, simply delivering information to the visitors or a mix of all of these. When the content fails to hit these targets, it is nothing but noise. So, what differentiates a meaningful, relevant, goal-oriented content from the noise? The answer is - a strategic Content Plan. "What is Content Plan & Do I have one for my website?" The question is an obvious unless you are an online marketer who spends hours mapping digital marketing campaigns. In the plainest words, the Content Plan is a blueprint of what content you publish online, when,...

will less likely dislike technology since it will meet its purpose to enhance teaching.

The effectiveness of technology use in the classroom has become a controversial issue. While many teachers and students feel that it's best to use technology because it enhances teaching many others feel that it causes too many challenges and that it is a waste of time. If technology is as effective in the classroom as many teachers believe it to be; why do some students dislike it so much? In order to objectively respond to this question, 3 articles were examined. 2 out of the 3 relate how the use of technology in the classroom frustrates students while the last one translates the thoughts of students who feel that technology in the classroom has responded to their need. So the issue is not that technology is not effective but rather that some teachers need to be mindful about technology use in the classroom and others need to be trained in order to properly use technology to teach so that students do not view technology as obstruction learning but as an enhancing tool. After sum...

Writing Strategy: On Getting Inspired Everyday

 Getting inspiration from anything within reach is just a piece of cake to other writers. The rest suffers from what we call the-alibi-not-to-write- a-single-word thingy. Yes, for not all times we have the energy to go on with our writing. The lonely path toward making oneself "unseen and unheard" of, for a week, month or year; focusing time and resources to getting a story done till readers are clamoring for more. So how do we get inspiration to get going, moving till THE END part is done? Well, here are some ways to get inspiration even without the energy to do so. As long as you are treating yourself a serious one in your passion to stitching characters, events, settings and motivation-- you're on to the exciting journey toward having written your magnum opus and publishing it for the world to partake -- both fun and wisdom. 1. Look around you-- see, feel, smell, touch the different stimuli which could be a germ of an idea or springboard to jaw-dropping, unstoppable ...